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Product Information


Thickness Sheet Size Min Half Truck Full Truck
2mm 48 x 87 630 3,780 8,190
2mm 28 x 18 2,520 27,720 56,700
2mm 24 x 24 2,520 32,760 65,520
3mm 48 x 87 350 4,550 9,100
3mm 28 x 18 1,400 31,500 63,000
3mm 24 x 24 1,400 36,400 72,800
4mm 48 x 87 270 3,510 7,020
4mm 28 x 18 1,080 24,300 48,600
4mm 18 x24 1,080 28,080 56,160
4mm 24 x 24 1,080 28,080 56,160

AquaRite Radio

Select Qualtity (Load Size) from the Aquartie Quantity table below


Thickness Sheet Size Min Half Truck Full Truck
E-Flute (1/16″) 48 x 87 630 3,780 8,190
E-Flute (1/16″) 60 x 87 630 3,150 6,300
E-Flute (1/16″) 20 x 30 2,520 27,720 56,700
E-Flute (1/16″) 32 x 40 630 13,860 56,700
E-Flute (1/16″) 24 x 36 2,520 16,380 26,460
E-Flute (1/16″) 48 x 72 630 3,780 8,190
E-Flute (1/16″) 40 x 60 630 6,300 12,600
E-Flute (1/16″) 30 x 40 630 13,860 28,350
E-Flute (1/16″) 30 x 42 630 8,190 16,380
B-Flute (1/8″) 48 x 87 350 4,550 9,100
B-Flute (1/8″) 60 x 87 350 3,500 7,000
B-Flute (1/8″) 20 x 30 1,400 15,750 31,500
B-Flute (1/8″) 32 x 40 350 15,750 31,500
B-Flute (1/8″) 24 x 36 1,400 18,200 36,400
B-Flute (1/8″) 48 x 72 350 4,550 9,100
B-Flute (1/8″) 40 x 60 350 7,000 14,000
B-Flute (1/8″) 30 x 40 350 15,750 31,500
B-Flute (1/8″) 30 x 42 350 9,100 18,200
C-Flute (3/16″) 48 x 87 270 3,510 7,020
C-Flute (3/16″) 60 x 87 270 2,700 5,400
C-Flute (3/16″) 20 x 30 1,080 12,150 24,300
C-Flute (3/16″) 32 x 40 270 12,150 24,300
C-Flute (3/16″) 24 x 36 1,080 14,040 28,080
C-Flute (3/16″) 48 x 72 270 3,510 7,020
C-Flute (3/16″) 40 x 60 270 5,400 10,800
C-Flute (3/16″) 30 x 40 270 12,150 24,300
C-Flute (3/16″) 30 x 42 270 7,020 14,040


Select load size (Minimum, Half Truck, Whole Truck) from quantity table above.